
My main field of research is within the area peace, conflict and development, my inclination being clearly post-structuralist. I define my lenses to be colored mainly by feminist, post colonialist and gender theory, and my world view in line with classical social liberal thought.

Current research:
I am currently working on an article concerning the Zimbabwean Government's 2005 urban clean-up campaign, Operation Murambatsvina/Restore Order (OM/RO). I am particularly interested in the discourses on housing in the aftermath of this particular campaign.

Post Graduate Studies:
Doctoral Degree in Peace and Development Studies from Göteborg University (2004)
In my doctoral thesis I studied the relationship between discourses on sexuality, reproductive behaviour and contraception, and practices related to these discourses. Both white and black Zimbabweans are included in the research. I received a study grant from the Nordic Africa Institute, project grants from Sida/SAREC, and financial support for field work from the Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation. During this period my main source of inspiration was my field supervisor, the controversial but prominent scholar and African feminist Dr. Patricia McFadden.

Graduate Studies:
Master's degree in Social Anthropology from Göteborg University (1999), focused on reproductive decision making in a Zimbabwean resettlement village. The data collection in Zimbabwe was made possible through a Minor Field Studies grant from Sida/SAREC.

Undergraduate studies:
Bachelor's Degree in Social Anthropology (1994)
I studied social anthropology at De Anza College (Cupertino, California, USA) in 1990, and continued these studies at Lund University between 1991-1992. During my undergraduate studies, I also studied Development Studies, International Relations, Human Ecology, Feminist Theory and Environmental Studies.
My main sources of inspiration during my undergraduate studies were Professor Jonathan Friedman (Lund Uni.), Professor Jan Lindström (Göteborg Uni.), Professor Björn Hettne (Göteborg Uni.) and Dr. Monica Erwér.