2010, [recension av avhandling, TGV]
2007, 'It couldn't be anything innocent: Negotiating gender in patriarchal-racial spaces,' in K. Muchemwa & R. Muponde, Manning the Nation. Father figures in Zimbabwean literature and society, Weaver Press, Harare
2004, ‘HIV/Aids in Zimbabwe: Connecting colonial history to contemporary images and realities,’ in Maj-Lis Follér and Håkan Thörn (eds.), No name fever: AIDS in the Age of Globalization, Studentlitteratur, Lund
2004, A Matter of Difference? Family Planning and Gendered Discourses on Sexuality and Reproductive Decision-Making among black and white Zimbabweans, Doctoral Thesis, Göteborg University. The thesis is available in print (to be ordered through GynAndro,, or electronically through
2002, 'Gender and Cosmetic Democracy', The Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University
2001, 'Book review of African Feminism—The politics of survival in Sub-Saharan Africa,' edited by Gwendolyn Mikell, in News, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala
1999, 'Sexuality, fertility and power: Studying sexual and racial discourses influence on reproductive behaviour and population policy in Zimbabwe,' in Anders Närman and Jonas Evald, eds., Göteborg University in Africa–Africa at Göteborg University, Centre for Africa Studies, Göteborg University
1999, Erwér, M. and A. Kirkegaard, 1999, 'Gender and empowerment in development aid', in M. Schulz, ed., Peace and development—their interrelationship in the global system. An inventory of Peace and development Research at PADRIGU, Padrigu Papers Series, Göteborg University
1998, Killick, T., J. Carlsson and A. Kirkegaard, European Aid and the Reduction of Poverty in Zimbabwe, Working Paper 109, ODI, London
1998, Erwér, M. and A. Kirkegaard, 1998, 'Genus i globala perspektiv: Framväxten av den feministiska forskargruppen vid Göteborgs Universitet,' in Feministiskt Perspektiv, nr. 4/98
OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1:
—December, Hoppets vecka, 'Fred,' OBS ,
—December, 'Om Foucault,' OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1,
—June, 'Den enskilda människans ansvar för andra', OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1,
—December, 'Folkomröstningen om Sudans framtid,' OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1,
—October, 'Resolution 1325', OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1
Written news media
2011, August 7, 'Terrordåden har blottat et djupt splittrat Norge,' DN Debatt
2008, 'Overbefolkning i Syd forenkles', in Global Økologi, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 16-18
Proceedings, selected:
2007: ‘Theoretical Intersections: Implications of Postcolonial and Feminist Theory to our Understanding of and Teaching on Sexualised Violence in Contemporary Post-Colonial Conflicts,’ presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (Chicago, USA)
2003: ‘Race/gender and population as discourse and policy in Rhodesia, 1965-1979,’ presented at the Sida conference Fattiga och Rika (Lund University, Sweden)
1997: ‘Gendered History, Gendered Present: inquiring into the roots of some contemporary perceptions of women's sexuality and fertility in Zimbabwe,’ presented at the conference Gender and Colonialism in Africa (Cape Town, South Africa)
1996: ‘Prosperity or Misery? An Actor Oriented Study of the Social Relations of Fertility in Zimbabwe,’ presented at the 6th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women (Adelaide, Australia)
2010, [recension av avhandling, TGV]
2007, 'It couldn't be anything innocent: Negotiating gender in patriarchal-racial spaces,' in K. Muchemwa & R. Muponde, Manning the Nation. Father figures in Zimbabwean literature and society, Weaver Press, Harare
2004, ‘HIV/Aids in Zimbabwe: Connecting colonial history to contemporary images and realities,’ in Maj-Lis Follér and Håkan Thörn (eds.), No name fever: AIDS in the Age of Globalization, Studentlitteratur, Lund
2004, A Matter of Difference? Family Planning and Gendered Discourses on Sexuality and Reproductive Decision-Making among black and white Zimbabweans, Doctoral Thesis, Göteborg University. The thesis is available in print (to be ordered through GynAndro,, or electronically through
2002, 'Gender and Cosmetic Democracy', The Collegium for Development Studies, Uppsala University
2001, 'Book review of African Feminism—The politics of survival in Sub-Saharan Africa,' edited by Gwendolyn Mikell, in News, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala
1999, 'Sexuality, fertility and power: Studying sexual and racial discourses influence on reproductive behaviour and population policy in Zimbabwe,' in Anders Närman and Jonas Evald, eds., Göteborg University in Africa–Africa at Göteborg University, Centre for Africa Studies, Göteborg University
1999, Erwér, M. and A. Kirkegaard, 1999, 'Gender and empowerment in development aid', in M. Schulz, ed., Peace and development—their interrelationship in the global system. An inventory of Peace and development Research at PADRIGU, Padrigu Papers Series, Göteborg University
1998, Killick, T., J. Carlsson and A. Kirkegaard, European Aid and the Reduction of Poverty in Zimbabwe, Working Paper 109, ODI, London
1998, Erwér, M. and A. Kirkegaard, 1998, 'Genus i globala perspektiv: Framväxten av den feministiska forskargruppen vid Göteborgs Universitet,' in Feministiskt Perspektiv, nr. 4/98
OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1:
—December, Hoppets vecka, 'Fred,' OBS ,
—December, 'Om Foucault,' OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1,
—June, 'Den enskilda människans ansvar för andra', OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1,
—December, 'Folkomröstningen om Sudans framtid,' OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1,
—October, 'Resolution 1325', OBS on Swedish Public Radio, Programme 1
Written news media
2011, August 7, 'Terrordåden har blottat et djupt splittrat Norge,' DN Debatt
2008, 'Overbefolkning i Syd forenkles', in Global Økologi, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 16-18
Proceedings, selected:
2007: ‘Theoretical Intersections: Implications of Postcolonial and Feminist Theory to our Understanding of and Teaching on Sexualised Violence in Contemporary Post-Colonial Conflicts,’ presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association (Chicago, USA)
2003: ‘Race/gender and population as discourse and policy in Rhodesia, 1965-1979,’ presented at the Sida conference Fattiga och Rika (Lund University, Sweden)
1997: ‘Gendered History, Gendered Present: inquiring into the roots of some contemporary perceptions of women's sexuality and fertility in Zimbabwe,’ presented at the conference Gender and Colonialism in Africa (Cape Town, South Africa)
1996: ‘Prosperity or Misery? An Actor Oriented Study of the Social Relations of Fertility in Zimbabwe,’ presented at the 6th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women (Adelaide, Australia)